Trading with EEX Asia
EEX Asia offers traders access to Europe's major energy and commodity exchanges, through the European Commodity Clearing (ECC).

with ECC
ECC assumes clearing, physical and financial settlements of transactions concluded and registered for clearing on all partner exchanges.
ECC's margin systems are EMIR and CPSS-IOSCO compliant, guaranteeing the fulfillment of transactions.
ECC connects European commodity markets through integrated and automated clearing processes. Counterparty risk is eliminated through clearing and settlement of all transactions.

ECC's Synergies
Using ECC means being connected to Europe’s major commodity exchanges.
Access this network and a large variety of asset classes through one clearing house membership.
Benefit from ECC’s cross-commodity margining and reduce the cost of clearing.
Reduce the number of interfaces and create transparency via uniform processes and reports.
EEX Asia Features

Operating in both Asian and European time zones, be a trading participant of EEX Asia to enjoy smooth experience in clearing and settlement with a leading European clearing house, European Commodity Clearing (ECC).
Offering global commodities as their core business, EEX Asia is also a one-stop shop for freight, iron ore and fuel oil products for its multi-regional clients.
Access our sophisticated trading system simply via internet connection and web browser.
Monitor real-time price movement on the orderbook and hit and lift quotes with a user-friendly interface. Alternatively place an RFQ (Request for Quotation) to your specifications and negotiate with other market participants.
Also enjoy other customizable tools for easy monitoring and never miss out profit-making deal.

View trade status updates in real-time in a centralized location. Download recaps with a single click.
Reach out to our Market Operations team - ready to assist you 16-hours daily, we provide a personalized experience and will go the extra mile with any trade issues.
Direct access to our margin analytics tool to discover the ECC margin requirements for all available freight products.